
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Acorns: for the birds!

Earlier this week, little berry asked me to draw a beak and eyes on an acorn. I didn't really think much about it& told her I would do it later, and then today she asked again, so I did as she asked. Then I went about my day. A bit later, I came upon her playing with her acorn bowl at the nature table- actually it's bare besides the acorns she grabbed outside and a found feather for now.
It turns out she is pretending the acorns are birds- and the acorn caps are bird nests. Big acorns are the mommy&daddy birds, little acorns are baby birds. Some acorns are eggs. It seems to be arbitrarily decided.
I think this is a hilarious, creative, and super fun idea. 
The birds love to fly around our apartment and I've seen a few in places I'm not particularly fond of (the refrigerator: "it's an egg, mama!") but it is harmless and she's having a great time so I can't complain. 
What creative uses have you heard of for acorns?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lego Fun!

Yesterday, Little Berry and I were building with Legos and she had the fun idea to TAKE THEM OUTSIDE! So we did. I'm fortunate to have a little one who enjoys Legos as much as I did as a child, and I'm doubly lucky that we have them in abundance thanks to my efforts of stocking up on them preemptively this summer. 
We're also fortunate enough to have lots of outdoor spaces we can occupy when we want to be outside- we can be at shops, at the library, at the park, all very quickly. We chose to sit outside by a small wall and build a 'house.' 

It was SO much fun and so cute when we finished against a totally different backdrop than our living room. I am tempted to take our creation and 'lego bomb' somewhere for others to enjoy. What fun things have you created lately?

Scrappy skirt tutorial

I've noticed an easy scrappy skirt tutorial floating around the web lately and offer my version, which, while it does require sewing, ends up being simpler& easier in my opinion than knotted skirts. First gather your fabrics and iron them!
Next cut all pieces to the same length and hem the tops to make a tube for the elastic to thread through on each piece. 

Then cut the pieces into different strips of roughly the same width!
Now you're ready to thread all the pieces onto your elastic together, alternating into a funky, fun and random pattern:

Finally, when you've threaded all your fabric on, sew the elastic together, and give to your little model! Mine was moving to wiggly-ish for me to capture her picture with it on :) (It happens!) 

Hope you enjoy my scrappy skirt tutorial.  I like it because it is a fabulous way to use up scraps that are too small for anything else! Come back and share what you make with it!